Kim jesteśmy
KIM JESTEŚMYMiędzynarodowa Organizacja ds. Migracji (IOM) jest częścią Systemu ONZ i wiodącą międzyrządową organizacją promującą uporządkowane migracje, odbywające się z poszanowaniem praw człowieka i przynoszące korzyści wszystkim stronom. IOM prowadzi działalność w Polsce od 1992 roku, biuro od 2002.
O nas
O nas
IOM na świecie
IOM na świecie
Nasza pracaJako wiodąca międzyrządowa organizacja promująca humanitarne i uporządkowane migracje IOM odgrywa kluczową rolę w dążeniu do osiągnięcia Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju określonych w Agendzie 2030 poprzez podejmowanie różnorodnych interwencji, łączących w sobie zarówno pomoc humanitarną, jak i zrównoważony rozwój. W Polsce IOM wspiera migrantów poprzez różnorodne działania w obszarach takich jak integracja, ochrona i pomoc bezpośrednia.
- Dane i informacje
- Włącz się
- 2030 Agenda
The project ‘Action to relieve migratory pressures in Poland’ contributes to alleviating the pressure on the reception system in Poland as a result of migratory flows from Belarus and Ukraine. The action focuses on strengthening a rights-based approach to the provision of direct assistance, increasing the migration management and coordination capacity of Polish authorities, and improving return procedures.
All of the project's activities come down to one goal - to build a space for migrants for their safe stay in Poland. For many who have arrived in Poland since February 2022, coming here has been a difficult and sudden experience, with many cities facing challenging and sudden population growth. IOM activities in direct support of migrants are:
- Enhancement of reception and accommodation facilities – providing necessary items to shelters facing rapid influx of migrants was crucial to maintain safe and healthy stay of beneficiaries hosted in facilities.
- Provision of NFI assistance to beneficiaries – based on current needs, IOM supported shelters by distributing welcome kits, hygiene kits, clothes and shoes, PPE and WASH items to migrants.
- Migrant Info infoline and special mailbox – migrants can get advice in Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English, and individual consultations in other languages can be obtained by sending a message to a specially launched e-mail box.
Cultural mediators
Cultural mediators play a crucial role in building understanding between migrants, residents and the administration. IOM cultural mediators offer support through workshops and assistance with interpretation and cultural orientation. In their daily work, they not only have to demonstrate their knowledge of languages, but also perfectly navigate between the nuances of different cultures and religions. As part of DG HOME project they have conducted dozens of events, ranging from sports competitions to state ceremonies.
Events, celebrations and workshops

Provision of legal assistance
IOM mediators at Office for Foreigners in Warsaw offers wide range of legal, social and linguistic assistance to migrants.

Capacity building
Support to Border Guard, voivodes and other relevant authorities responsible for administering reception facilities was crucial aspect of the project. As part of strengthening the capacity of Polish government authorities, Border Guards, local service providers, community members, NGOs and other protection partners, IOM conducted a series of trainings on vast number of topics related to migration. To ensure efficient operation in the process of managing and registering migrants, the necessary equipment was purchased, including vehicles and IT equipment.

MiTA application, a tool to facilitate communication with migrants, had been updated with additional languages.
Additionally, Municipal Police, Border Guard and Police representatives took part in 75 training sessions (by May 2024). IOM trainers introduced them to identifying vulnerable migrants, stress management and prevention of gender-based violence, among others.
Educational materials for download:
komunikacja-miedzykulturowa.pdf in Polish
mediacje-miedzykulturowe.pdf in Polish
stereotypy-uprzedzenia-i-mechanizmy-dyskryminacji.pdf in Polish
identyfikacja-osob-z-grup-wrazliwych.pdf in Polish
stress-management-techniques.pdf in English and techniki-zarzadzania-stresem.pdf in Polish
The project runs from December 2022 – November 2024 (24 months).
The project is financed by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Polish Border Guard Headquarters.
Budget: EUR 1,621,678.99