Call for Expression of Interest - Communities Resilience and Mental Health Initiative
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - Inicjatywy wspierające rozwój rezyliencji społecznej oraz zdrowia psychicznego
02.01.25 |
Opened |
Call for Expression of Interest - Support for foster care institutions hosting migrant children
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - Wsparcie podmiotów opiekuńczo-wychowawczych mających pod opieką dzieci cudzoziemskie
18.12.24 |
Extended to 27.01.2025 15:59
Opened |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Drawing and design workshops for Youth in Rzeszow
28.11.24 |
do 05.12.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Football training activities in Podkarpacie
28.11.24 |
do 05.12.2024 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest - Psychosocial support and social cohesion through sustainable fashion and design for local, migrant and refugee communities
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - działania psychospołeczne i promujące spójność społeczną poprzez zrównoważoną modę i design dla społeczności lokalnej, migranckiej i uchodźczej
27.11.24 |
do 11.12.2024 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest - Psychosocial activities for local, migrant and refugee youths
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - działania psychospołeczne dla młodzieży ze społeczności lokalnej, migranckiej i uchodźczej
27.11.2024 |
do 20.12.2024 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) - Activities to support access to specialized mental health services and peer recovery assistants (pl. asystent zdrowienia) for the migrant and refugee community
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - działania wspierające dostęp do specjalistycznych usług zdrowia psychicznego
i asystentów zdrowienia dla społeczności migranckiej i uchodźczej
27.11.2024 |
do 20.12.2024 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) - Activities supporting psychosocial well-being in Powiat Kłodzki (Kłodzki County)
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - Działania wspierające dobrostan psychospołeczny na terenie powiatu kłodzkiego
27.11.24 |
do 20.12.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Renovation in Freedom Space integration centre-inclusive bathroom |
05.11.24 |
do 19.11.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): IT equipment for Warsaw and Southern Hub |
29.10.24 |
do 12.11.2024, 15:00 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of First Aid Mecdical Equipment for Podlasie Border Guard Unit / Zakup Sprzętu Medycznego do Ratownictwa dla Podlaskiego Oddziału Straży Granicznej
25.10.24 |
do 08.11.2024, 15:00 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of Eco-Peas for collective shelter in Ladek Zdroj
22.10.24 |
do 03.11.2024, 12:00.
Extended to 6. 11.2024, 15:00
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RFQ): Renovation of the fitness room, level -2 ,Lublin Krakowskie Przedmiescie 32b
22.10.24 |
do 12.11.2024, 17:00 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Provision of Translation and Interpreting Services |
09.10.24 |
do 22.10.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Installation of the platform and construction works at the Nidaros shelter, Krakow |
09.10.24 |
do 16.10.2024, 17:00 |
Closed |
Facilitation of workshops for migrant children and parenting workshops for caregivers.
07.10.24 |
do 18.10.2024, 17:00 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Multicultural Artistic Integration Project "Multicultural Harmony"
04.10.24 |
do 11.10.2024, 12:00 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for Integration Grant Contest 2024/2025
Zaproszenie do skladania wnioskow na konkurs grantowy 2024/2025
26.09.24 |
do 03.11.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): for the Unarmed Private Security Services to provide generals security guard services for USRAP Program facility in Warsaw, Poland
19.09.24 |
do 29.09.2024, 23:59 (GMT+2) |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Provision of cleaning services, including cleaning supplies, for the office premises of the International Organization for Migration, Mission in Poland (USRAP Office)
19.09.24 |
do 29.09.2024, 23:59 CET |
Closed |
Сall for expression for potential IP in Poznan for the integration activities implementation for migrants |
17.09.24 |
do 29.09.2024, 18:00
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Provision of vouchers / Dostarczanie voucherow |
30.08.24 |
do 13.09.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Basic Needs to assist with renovation works in the Children's Aid Center in Rzeszów (PRO-FIL) |
22.08.24 |
do 10.09.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of the building materials for PRO-FIL in Rzeszow |
22.08.24 |
do 05.09.2024 |
Closed |
14.08.24 |
do 25.08.2024 |
Closed |
Call for partners for proposal submission for FERS.04.11/Otwarty nabór partnerów do złożenia wniosku w ramach FERS.04.11 |
13.08.24 |
do 04.09.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase and installation of the Playground in Rzeszów |
07.05.24 |
do 14.05.2024 |
Closed |
Purchase of windows and doors for Renovation of Integration centers - Kocham Foundation, KRAKÓW |
27.02.24 |
do 03.03.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (REOI) Preparedness and Response Planning in Podlaskie region (Białystok) |
12.02.24 |
do 21.02.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) Provision of ENG, RUS, and UA language learning packages for BG officers |
31.01.24 |
do 14.02.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the Information campaign within the framework of the project "Enhancing the effectiveness of voluntary return Mechanism" |
19.01.24 |
do 26.01.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the provision of Vehicles for Border Guards for transportation of migrants |
04.01.24 |
do 16.02.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Production and implementation of promotion campaign concerning the Infoline MIGRANT.INFO and the website |
04.01.24 |
do 17.01.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Production of Counter Trafficking Board Games for children |
28.12.23 |
do 02.01.2024 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for Youth Club |
21.12.23 |
do 05.01.2024 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for Polish language lessons in collective accommodation centers |
21.12.23 |
do 05.01.2024 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) Purchase of sewing equipment for community-building social mixing activity |
08.12.23 |
do 13.12.2023 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for Integration Grant Contest 2023/2024 / Zaproszenie do skladania wnioskow na korkus granatowy 2023/2024 |
23.11.23 |
do 23.12.2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the provision of Hygiene items for collective sites and distribution points |
17.11.23 |
do 01.12.2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Dostawę międzynarodowych i krajowych biletów lotniczych, kolejowych i autobusowych/provision of international, and local air, bus, and train tickets. |
15.11.23 |
do 24.11.2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of household equipment for collective shelters/ Zakup sprzętu AGD do schronisk zbiorowych |
23.10.23 |
do 27.10.2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase and delivery of pellets/ Zakup i dostawa pelletu |
23.10.23 |
do 27.10.2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Dostawa bonow towarowych |
12.10.23 |
do 23.10.2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Renovation works Nidaros shelter Material |
09.10.23 |
do 13.10.2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Vests and T-shirts with IOM logo |
13.09.23 |
do 15.09.2023 |
Closed |
Remont budynku przeznaczonego do zamieszkania tymczasowego przez uchodźców z Ukrainy
The renovation of a building intended for temporary residence by refugees from Ukraine
06.09.23 |
do 25.09.2023 14:00 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of vehicles for the Border Guards
04.09.23 |
do 11.10.2023 23:59 |
Closed |
Renovation of rooms in the School and Kindergarten Complex No. 2 them. J. Przybosia in Rzeszów at st. Lwowska 17
22.08.23 |
do 28.09.2023 23:59 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Editing and proofreading the text in Polish , designing and applying a user-friendly layout for 12 information brochures and 1 report; graphics design of 12 information brochures and 1 report. |
20.07.23 |
do 26 lipca 2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the provision of IT equipment for Resettlement Support Center office in Poland |
18.07.23 |
do 1 sierpnia 2023
Closed |
Provision of comprehensive protection support to young adults from Ukraine leaving foster care |
27.06.23 |
do 5 lipca 2023 |
Closed |
Organization of summer activities for 60 children with disabilities from Ukraine – Józefów |
27.06.23 |
do 4 lipca 2023 |
Closed |
Remont budynku przeznaczonego do zamieszkania tymczasowego przez uchodźców z Ukrainy |
21.06.23 |
do 28 lipca 2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Driving Change and Empowering Communities with an Impactful Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) awareness and communication material package in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. |
12.06.23 |
do 30 czerwca 2023 |
Closed |
12.05.23 |
do 5 czerwca 2023 |
Cancelled |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): English and Russian on-line course
09.05.23 |
do 12 maja 2023 |
Closed |
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the Engagement of service provider on the production of E-learning tools on Counter-Trafficking
05.05.23 |
do 18 maja 2023 |
Closed |
Zapytanie ofertowe - Kompleksowe opracowanie i przeprowadzenie ewaluacji funkcjonowania Centrów Integracji Cudzoziemców |
12.04.23 |
do 20 kwietnia 2023 |
Closed |
Zapytanie ofertowe – realizacja kampanii promocyjnej |
22.02.23 |
do 5 marca 2023 |
Closed |
Grant competition for the implementation of local integration activities for children and youth
22.12.22 |
do 16 stycznia 2023 |
Closed |
Development and implementation of an information campaign on trafficking in human beings
12.12.22 |
do 9 stycznia 2023 |
Closed |
Call for Tender CT info campaign
12.10.22 |
do 7 listopada 2022 |
Closed |
Call for Expression of Interest for Various items – IOM Poland
12.10.22 |
do 25 pazdziernika 2022 |
Closed |
Request for Quotation Supply and delivery of winterization kits
13.10.22 |
do 18 pazdziernika 2022 |
Closed |