Zapytania ofertowe Data publikacji Termin złożenia oferty Status

Call for Expression of Interest - Communities Resilience and Mental Health Initiative

Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - Inicjatywy wspierające rozwój rezyliencji społecznej oraz zdrowia psychicznego






Call for Expression of Interest - Support for foster care institutions hosting migrant children

Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - Wsparcie podmiotów opiekuńczo-wychowawczych mających pod opieką dzieci cudzoziemskie



Extended to 27.01.2025 15:59


REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Drawing and design workshops for Youth in Rzeszow

28.11.24 do 05.12.2024 Closed

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Football training activities in Podkarpacie

28.11.24 do 05.12.2024  Closed

Call for Expression of Interest  - Psychosocial support and social cohesion through sustainable fashion and design for local, migrant and refugee communities

Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - działania psychospołeczne i promujące spójność społeczną poprzez zrównoważoną modę i design dla społeczności lokalnej, migranckiej i uchodźczej

27.11.24 do 11.12.2024 Closed

Call for Expression of Interest - Psychosocial activities for local, migrant and refugee youths

Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - działania psychospołeczne dla młodzieży ze społeczności lokalnej, migranckiej i uchodźczej

27.11.2024 do 20.12.2024 Closed

Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) - Activities to support access to specialized mental health services and peer recovery assistants (pl. asystent zdrowienia) for the migrant and refugee community

Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - działania wspierające dostęp do specjalistycznych usług zdrowia psychicznego
i asystentów zdrowienia dla społeczności migranckiej i uchodźczej

27.11.2024 do 20.12.2024 Closed

Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) - Activities supporting psychosocial well-being in Powiat Kłodzki (Kłodzki County)

Zaproszenie do składania wniosków na konkurs grantowy - Działania wspierające dobrostan psychospołeczny na terenie powiatu kłodzkiego

27.11.24 do 20.12.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Renovation in Freedom Space integration centre-inclusive bathroom 05.11.24 do 19.11.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION  (RFQ): IT equipment for Warsaw and Southern Hub  29.10.24 do 12.11.2024, 15:00 Closed

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION  (RFQ): Purchase of First Aid Mecdical Equipment for Podlasie Border Guard Unit / Zakup Sprzętu Medycznego do Ratownictwa dla Podlaskiego Oddziału Straży Granicznej 

25.10.24 do 08.11.2024, 15:00 Closed

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of Eco-Peas for collective shelter in Ladek Zdroj 


do 03.11.2024, 12:00. 

Extended to         6. 11.2024, 15:00


REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RFQ): Renovation of the fitness room, level -2 ,Lublin Krakowskie Przedmiescie 32b 

22.10.24 do 12.11.2024, 17:00 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Provision of Translation and Interpreting Services 09.10.24 do 22.10.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Installation of the platform and construction works at the Nidaros shelter, Krakow 09.10.24 do 16.10.2024, 17:00 Closed

Facilitation of workshops for migrant children and parenting workshops for caregivers.

07.10.24 do 18.10.2024, 17:00 Closed

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Multicultural Artistic Integration Project "Multicultural Harmony"

04.10.24 do 11.10.2024, 12:00 Closed

Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for Integration Grant Contest 2024/2025

Zaproszenie do skladania wnioskow na konkurs grantowy 2024/2025

26.09.24 do 03.11.2024 Closed

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): for the Unarmed Private Security Services to provide generals security guard services for USRAP Program facility in Warsaw, Poland

19.09.24 do 29.09.2024, 23:59 (GMT+2) Closed

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Provision of cleaning services, including cleaning supplies, for the office premises of the International Organization for Migration, Mission in Poland (USRAP Office)

19.09.24 do 29.09.2024, 23:59 CET Closed
Сall for expression for potential IP in Poznan for the integration activities implementation for migrants 17.09.24

do 29.09.2024, 18:00

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Provision of vouchers / Dostarczanie voucherow 30.08.24 do 13.09.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Basic Needs to assist with renovation works in the Children's Aid Center in Rzeszów (PRO-FIL) 22.08.24 do 10.09.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of the building materials for PRO-FIL in Rzeszow 22.08.24 do 05.09.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Schooling Kits 14.08.24 do 25.08.2024 Closed
Call for partners for proposal submission for FERS.04.11/Otwarty nabór partnerów do złożenia wniosku w ramach FERS.04.11 13.08.24 do 04.09.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase and installation of the Playground in Rzeszów 07.05.24 do 14.05.2024 Closed
Purchase of windows and doors for Renovation of Integration centers - Kocham Foundation, KRAKÓW 27.02.24 do 03.03.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (REOI) Preparedness and Response Planning in Podlaskie region (Białystok) 12.02.24 do 21.02.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) Provision of ENG, RUS, and UA language learning packages for BG officers 31.01.24 do 14.02.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the Information campaign within the framework of the project "Enhancing the effectiveness of voluntary return Mechanism" 19.01.24 do 26.01.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the provision of Vehicles for Border Guards for transportation of migrants 04.01.24 do 16.02.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Production and implementation of promotion campaign concerning the Infoline MIGRANT.INFO and the website 04.01.24 do 17.01.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Production of Counter Trafficking Board Games for children 28.12.23 do 02.01.2024 Closed
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for Youth Club 21.12.23 do 05.01.2024 Closed
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for Polish language lessons in collective accommodation centers 21.12.23 do 05.01.2024 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) Purchase of sewing equipment for community-building social mixing activity 08.12.23 do 13.12.2023 Closed
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for Integration Grant Contest 2023/2024 / Zaproszenie do skladania wnioskow na korkus granatowy 2023/2024 23.11.23 do 23.12.2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the provision of Hygiene items for collective sites and distribution points 17.11.23 do 01.12.2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Dostawę międzynarodowych i krajowych biletów lotniczych, kolejowych i autobusowych/provision of international, and local air, bus, and train tickets. 15.11.23 do 24.11.2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of household equipment for collective shelters/ Zakup sprzętu AGD do schronisk zbiorowych 23.10.23 do 27.10.2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase and delivery of pellets/ Zakup i dostawa pelletu 23.10.23 do 27.10.2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Dostawa bonow towarowych 12.10.23 do 23.10.2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Renovation works Nidaros shelter Material 09.10.23 do 13.10.2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Vests and T-shirts with IOM logo 13.09.23 do 15.09.2023 Closed

Remont budynku przeznaczonego do zamieszkania tymczasowego przez uchodźców z Ukrainy

The renovation of a building intended for temporary residence by refugees from Ukraine

06.09.23 do 25.09.2023 14:00 Closed

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Purchase of vehicles for the Border Guards

04.09.23 do 11.10.2023 23:59 Closed

Renovation of rooms in the School and Kindergarten Complex No. 2 them. J. Przybosia in Rzeszów at st. Lwowska 17

22.08.23 do 28.09.2023 23:59 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Editing and proofreading the text in Polish , designing and applying a user-friendly layout for 12 information brochures and 1 report;  graphics design of 12 information brochures and 1 report. 20.07.23 do 26 lipca 2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the provision of IT equipment for Resettlement Support Center office in Poland 18.07.23

do 1 sierpnia 2023

Provision of comprehensive protection support to young adults from Ukraine leaving foster care 27.06.23 do 5 lipca 2023 Closed
Organization of summer activities for 60 children with disabilities from Ukraine – Józefów 27.06.23 do 4 lipca 2023 Closed
Remont budynku przeznaczonego do zamieszkania tymczasowego przez uchodźców z Ukrainy 21.06.23 do 28 lipca 2023 Closed
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Driving Change and Empowering Communities with an Impactful Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) awareness and communication material package in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. 12.06.23 do 30 czerwca 2023 Closed


12.05.23 do 5 czerwca 2023 Cancelled

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): English and Russian on-line course

09.05.23 do 12 maja 2023 Closed

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for the Engagement of service provider on the production of E-learning tools on Counter-Trafficking

05.05.23 do 18 maja 2023 Closed
Zapytanie ofertowe - Kompleksowe opracowanie i przeprowadzenie ewaluacji funkcjonowania Centrów Integracji Cudzoziemców  12.04.23 do 20 kwietnia 2023 Closed
Zapytanie ofertowe – realizacja kampanii promocyjnej 22.02.23 do 5 marca 2023 Closed

Grant competition for the implementation of local integration activities for children and youth

22.12.22 do 16 stycznia 2023 Closed

Development and implementation of an information campaign on trafficking in human beings

12.12.22 do 9 stycznia 2023 Closed

Call for Tender CT info campaign

12.10.22 do 7 listopada 2022 Closed

Call for Expression of Interest for Various items – IOM Poland

12.10.22 do 25 pazdziernika 2022 Closed

Request for Quotation   Supply and delivery of winterization kits

13.10.22 do 18 pazdziernika 2022 Closed